Ultra High Performance
QHY247C APS-C Camera has a APC-S 24mega pixels, 14bit CMOS sensor IMX193. This sensor is also used in the D5300 and D5500 camera. It has 2.7e low readout noise at lowest gain and 2.2e low readout noise at unity gain(system gain = 1e/adu), and 1.0e at high gain. QHY247C is camera with lowest readout noise and thermal noise in the QHY165C/168C/247C/367C production line.
True RAW Image Output
QHY247C APS-C Camera has the same CMOS sensor like D5300/D5500.But D5300 only offer 13bit and both D5300 and D5500 is not really RAW output even it is “RAW” format. You will find the de-noise sign on the raw images from the hot pixel styles in the DSLR dark frames. While the QHY247C offers the TRUE RAW IMAGE OUTPUT and it gives original signal and keep the max flexibility of astronomy image process.
Unique Thermal Noise Reduction Technology
Besides the 2-stage TEC, QHYCCD has an unique thermal noise control technology to get the cmos sensor very low thermal noise and make whole 165/168/247/367 product line has much better thermal noise performance than competitors.
128MB DDRII Image Buffer
QHY247C has 128MB DDRII image buffer to help the image cache to avoid the risk of frame lost. The data will store in the DDR for first then transfer to computer. It will avoid the USB port too busy when there is more USB3.0 camera connected.
Anti-Dew Technology
With the long time experience on the cooled CCD camera design. QHYCCD has the fully anti-dew technology for both CCD sensor surface glass and the optic window glass. QHY247C has the electric heating board for the CCD glass windows to prevent the window get dew and the silicon gel tube socket design for control the humidity within CMOS chamber.
AR+AR optic window
In order to avoid the halo around the bright star. The QHY247C has a AR+AR coating optic window rather than the common IR cut window for OSC color cameras. So you need to use your own IR cut filter (most L filter can do that) on front of the camera. You can install the 2inch filter on the M48 thread of the 2inch T ring. Or QHYCCD supplies an optional 2inch filter holder for QHY247C to allow you put this filter when connecting with a flat field
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