For Advanced Amateurs and Professionals.
The Mesu-Mount 300 is a scaled up development of the Mesu-Mount 200 with 300mm friction wheels and an advanced version of the driving mechanism used in the Mesu-Mount 200.
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The Mesu-Mount 300 is equipped, as standard, with two high resolution absolute Renishaw encoders.
These encoders give 67 million pulses per rotation, an accuracy of 0.02 arc-seconds/pulse in RA and Declination.
With absolute encoders, after a one time first alignment, the position of the telescope is always known after switching on the mount.
With this mount it’s possible to track “diffraction limited” with even a 50cm (20″) telescope.
The resolution of the telescope, and the seeing, will have more effect on the tracking accuracy then the capabilities of the Mesu-Mount 300.
The whole system is controlled by the Servo Controller II made by Sidereal Technology (USA).
Drive system Gear ratio Payload Meridian flip Backlash Latitude range Pointing accuracy Guide accurancy Periodic error GOTO speed Mount control Power consumption |
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Friction wheels driven by Servo motors 1 : 5000 >100kg yes No 0 – 90 degrees 0,02″ (under ideal circumstances) 0,02″ (under ideal circumstances) No 6 – 8 degrees/sec (or faster when needed). ArgoNavis hand controller and/or PC (planetarium program) Average is 400mA (when the mount guides for 90% of the time) |
The Mesu-Mount 300 (left) and Mesu-Mount 200 (right) side by side
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