The 1.5mm Stainless Steel Fine Tuning Ring for T thread allows fine adjustment of spacing with much higher precision than with T2 extension tubes. Strength is guaranteed with metal rings, unlike some Delrin types.
A 1mm version is also available
QHY cigar plug to 2.1mm plug cable, also suitable for most Celestron, Skywatcher, Mintron, Atik, ASI items – high quality cable which is fused and switched.
HiTec FocusMaster Deluxe is a high quality digital focus controller for stepper motor based focusers, with inbuilt temperature compensation and an external temperature probe. Works with (free) FocusMax software.
GSO and Clones to T Thread Adapter for Right Angled Finders connects ZWO,QHY6 and Orion SSAG cameras with T Thread to GSO (& Clones) 8 x 50 & 9 x 50 right angled finders.
Our standard M48 to T Thread adapter connects T thread cameras / accessories to any scope, lens or accessory with male M48 (2″ filter) threads. If threads are fully engaged this adds about 6mm to the light path. For a low profile (4mm) version click HERE
QHYCCD QHYOAG-L has M62/0.75 telescope interface suitable for 36 x 24mm, 37 x 37mm, and 48 x 36mm sensor sizes. Direct connection to the camera with six M3 screws (62mm diameter of screw hole positions) ensures connection accuracy and parallelism. Compatible with QHY16803, QHY09000, QHYCFW-XL Includes a precision 1.25-inch helical focuser that accepts QHY5II and QHY5III guide cameras.
The QHY 020089 Spacer Set is a set of five fine adjustment spacer rings (optical thickness of 0.5mm, 1mm, 2mm, 3mm, 4mm, 7mm) and a 4mm M54 female camera adapter.